Security and Trust

Security Vulnerability Reporting 

The Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) at Inrupt acknowledges the valuable role researchers play. We encourage reporting of any concerns and vulnerabilities found in our site or software. 

Inrupt is committed to working with the community to verify and respond to these reports in a timely fashion. Here's what you can expect when submitting a report.

  • Acknowledgement of report receipt
  • Communication of estimated time for resolution
  • Notification of fix

Inrupt requests that the following research not be conducted without formal authorization and advance coordination to avoid harms to customers and violation of laws. 

  • Denial of Service (DoS) of any kind
  • Automated security tools
  • Accessing, or attempting to access, data or information that does not belong to you
  • Destroying or corrupting, or attempting to destroy or corrupt, data or information that does not belong to you

Software often contains third party or open source libraries and binaries. Prior to submitting a request to validate how a security issue in third party components may impact Inrupt, please review the section on third party CVE handling.


Third Party CVE Handling

Inrupt updates 3rd party components within regularly scheduled release cycles, to the newest compatible version available during development. A vulnerability related to a 3rd party component does not necessarily translate to a vulnerability in Inrupt software. PSIRT welcomes questions about the applicability of a 3rd party CVE.

Risk is determined through internal scoring using CVSSv3.1 ( 


Security Advisories 

Notifications and descriptions of security incidents are available here.

Security Advisories and other security content are provided on an "as is" basis and do not imply any kind of guarantee or warranty. Your use of the information in these publications or linked material is at your own risk. Inrupt reserves the right to change or update this content without notice at any time.


Hall of Fame

Thank you to the following people for reporting vulnerabilities.

Justin Richer, Bespoke Engineering